Friday, October 14, 2011

Just Because

Not really much to report on for this post but I promised to try and come up with two posts this week, so here's the second one.

Harrison seems to be much better.  He's not all the way there but he's pretty close to being 100% again.  He woke up early Thursday morning.  It's the first time he's done that in a while and it definitely took a toll on DeAnne and I both.  Neither of us were doing very good Thursday morning.  In fact, when I left the house, I grabbed what I thought were my keys.  My keys were in fact in my bag already and I grabbed DeAnne's keys, took Harrison to daycare and then went to work only to have DeAnne call me about five minutes after I got into my office asking if I had her keys.  So I had to run back to the house and while not "late" to work, she was later than she likes to get there.  Good start to the day, that was.


A week or two ago I started using a service to make posts to my facebook page when new blog posts go up.  I'm not sure that it's working very well though.  I'm not seeing them in my feed and I'm curious if any of you are seeing the facebook posts in your feeds. If you could like the link or comment here and let me know if you're seeing it, I'd appreciate it.


We may actually not have much going on this weekend.  It's probably the calm before the storm.  November is looking like it's going to be crazy.  The big goal for the weekend is to get the grass cut.  I'm not really sure when the last time I cut it was and it's looking pretty shabby.  It's going to take a while to get it done and looking good and I'm probably going to have to sweep up the clippings after I'm done.  It'll be a long morning, but once I'm done, I'm hoping it won't need it again until the spring.  


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I took last Friday off so that I could take Harrison to the doctor.  He woke up with a snotty nose and crusty stuff around his ear.  He had been acting kind of off all week and we figured it'd be better to go ahead and take him to the doctor instead of trying to ride through the weekend and him get worse.  Ear infection was the verdict.  He's pretty young to be having one already and that kind of concerns us.  DeAnne had to have tubes as a child although I was fine. Hopefully he doesn't have his mother's immune system and allergies.

Saturday, Harrison turned 3 months old.  We celebrated by taking his 3 month old pictures.  They went pretty well considering he wasn't feeling the greatest in the world.

As if being sick for pictures wasn't enough, we had baby dedication service at church Sunday morning, so he was sick for that too.  He did pretty good there too though other than getting hungry while we were all standing up front at the end.

The other major event on Sunday was that the antibiotics he's taking for the ear infection took hold.  On the way home from eating lunch, he blew out his diaper and got all kinds of good stuff all over his car seat.  I had to strip the car seat and briefly considered just taking him to the sink in the kitchen and using the little spray nozzle to clean him off, but in the end opted for the traditional methods.  DeAnne was privileged enough to get to miss this little episode as she was off shopping with her sister.


Harrison seems to be improving a good bit.  He was pretty happy this morning when he got up.  Thankfully, despite being sick, he's still sleeping through the night.  It's hard to believe that either of us were ever able to function when he was getting up twice a night and that entire time now seems like some kind of weird, hazy dream.  Sleeping through the night is definitely nice and we are very thankful that he's sleeping so well.  In fact, now that he's three months old and doing so well, we're going to be moving him from the bassinet in our room to the crib in his room.  I just have to move the motion monitor to the crib and we'll be good to go.  It's going to be kind of strange not having him in the room with us, but we want to move him to his room before he gets too used to being in the room with us.


Looks like I might actually be able to get two posts in this week.  This one is going to go up Wednesday morning and I hope to have another for Friday morning.


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Troubles (Can't Bring Me Down)

Friday afternoon was met by a new level of diaper explosion.  We got home from daycare and I picked Harrison up out of the car seat only to have it drip down my hand and onto the floor.  I had to strip and wash the car seat and DeAnne somehow got the boy clean without giving him a bath.  I don't really know how she did it, but the clothes he had on had to go straight into the wash.  Mind-blowing is probably a poor choice of term considering the situation, but I'm having difficulty coming up with a better description.


The yard sale went really well.  The family did good overall and considering we basically went down to the storage building and packed up a bunch of junk at the last minute, we did good, coming out with about $140.  It was a pretty fun day hanging out with the family.  Harrison seemed to enjoy sitting outside and with the weather being so great, it was hard to not stay outside all day.  He got fussy towards the end of the day but it was mainly because he didn't take a good nap all day.  There was just too much going on and too many people passing him around.  He slept through the night though so it worked to our advantage there at least.


Sleeping through the night is awesome.  Except when the diaper doesn't hold up through the night.  Then you kind of almost wish he would have woken up just long enough for you to change the diaper before it reached the point where you had to strip the bedding and the baby and wipe him down as best you can in the morning when you're already running late.


There's been a good bit of new music to have come out the past couple of weeks.  Two of the albums I've picked up are "The Reckoning" by Needtobreathe and "Vice Verses" by Switchfoot.  Both are pretty incredible albums and I highly recommend getting both of them, especially the Needtobreathe album.  If you don't already own all of their stuff, do yourself a favor and go get it.  They're probably one of the best bands out there right now.


DeAnne's back continues to hurt, possibly even getting worse the last couple of days.  We're trying to see if we can get her appointment with the specialist in Birmingham moved up.  Thankfully, Harrison has decided to start sleeping through the night on a more consistent basis.  He's made it through at least two or three nights out of the last five.  However, he's also gotten clogged up along the way.  The last dirty diaper we had was Monday night.  It's now Wednesday morning.  Hopefully he'll go today.  We've given him gas drops and sugar water.  Prune juice is next on the list if something doesn't move at daycare today.  He's also had some crusty mess in his ear off and on the past couple of days.  Hopefully it's not the start of an ear infection.

So, it's been kind of a crazy week.  On top of it all, Emma was having stomach problems earlier this week and then yesterday one of the cats had a hairball issue.  I guess the animals were feeling left out and decided they had to throw in on the chaos.
