Thursday, June 17, 2010

More Games!!!

Actually, I'm going to try and keep the game talk to a minimum today.

Let's start with Sony. They're doing 3D on the PS3 and they've got a motion controller too, called "Move". Sony seems like they're trying to take motion controls to the hardcore gamer and I'm not totally convinced it's going to work. They definitely don't seem to be going after the Wii crowd like Microsoft is doing. They may have better tech for gameplay though. We'll just have to wait and see how it shakes out. The 3D thing though. Yeah, maybe it's kind of cool, but I don't know if I'm ready to spend a four-hour gaming session wearing 3D glasses and that's just the minor problem. The major problem is cost. Sure, the PS3 is going to do 3D with just a system upgrade that will be downloaded. Your T.V. is not though. As it stands today, 3D is a $3,000 to $4,000 investment in new tech. I think that's a tough sell for the average gamer.

Then there's Nintendo. Nintendo didn't have a new motion control system to show off. They've been doing that for four years now. So instead of showing off new control systems like the other guys, they showed games and they were pretty awesome. New Zelda, new Donkey Kong Country, new Goldeneye, a new party game, new Metroid, new Kirby, new Kid Icarus. It was like a love-fest for anyone who's ever owned a Nintendo console. Just about every classic franchise Nintendo owns was represented and it was incredible. Then they had the new DS, the 3DS. Yes, it does 3D but where it differs with Sony's approach is that it does 3D without the glasses. It also does 3D on the screen it comes with. No word on price, but knowing Nintendo, they're going to be looking to sell a lot of these when they come out.

Well, I spent more time on games than I thought I would. Sorry.

Outside of the game world, last night was the first full night of "Wednesday Night Band". We played a couple of songs last week, but this week we did a full, four song worship service. It went pretty well. There were a few rough spots, but it was all for the Lord and I feel like He was lifted up and by the time we were done, everyone seemed to be in the right mindset to hear from Him which is what the band is there for.


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