Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bye, Bye Bushes

Something happened to some of our gardenia bushes. I don't know if it was a disease, a pest or if we just cut them back too hard last year but the bushes on the side of the house have started to die off. So on Saturday DeAnne and I started finishing them off. It's strange looking at the house and half of them being gone but it will probably be stranger to see them all gone when we get finished pulling them up.

So that was our Saturday project that we did in between the rain we got that morning and the rain starting again that afternoon. Other than that, we just took it easy. I need to get the grass cut but I guess that's going to have to wait until this weekend. It was too wet Saturday and I just couldn't bring myself to do in between church services on Sunday.

The only other thing really happening is that I finished the "Percy Jackson" series of books. They were fun books. Not religiously sound in any way, shape or form, but neither is most any novel that's set in a fantasy realm. The Greeks were nothing, however, if not imaginative and Rick Riordan ran with that and came up with a series of books that are great fun from start to finish. I just wish now that they had taken better care with making a movie from the first book. I'm not sure that after the sub-par quality of the first movie, they'll be making any more and that's a shame, because the last couple of books would make for incredible summer movies.

See you on Thursday.


1 comment:

Thoughts of Blue said...

i am in the fifth installment of the percy jackson series and have enjoyed it every step of the way! the movie didn't get rave reviews though. i am waiting for it on netflix.