Thursday, April 01, 2010

She's Back!

DeAnne finally came home! Her flight was right on time Tuesday night and we finally got back to the house around 11:15. It's been great having her back. The animals were all pretty excited, Emma especially. I thought Emma might have a stroke she was so wound up.

I do feel somewhat sorry for DeAnne though. She's not been back 48 hours and already the pollen is killing her. I though she might have missed the worst of it, but with no significant rain the past week or so, the pollen has gotten a lot worse.

It's Easter weekend. We don't have any plans to go out of town this year. I'll be helping with the sound and video for our church's cantata. This is the first Easter that we've had the projectors so I think all of us in the A/V crew are a little nervous. I'm sure everything will go well. It should make for a pretty awesome service.

I didn't mention it Tuesday, but in a bit of sad news, 24 has been canceled. It wasn't totally unexpected, but it still bums me out. The one ray of light is that they're going to start work on a movie. I guess they'll have to suspend the real-time aspect of the show for the movie, but they don't always stick to it on the show either, so I guess it won't be a huge stretch. I'm looking forward to the movie though. It should be interesting to see what they can do with a movie sized budget and only having to get two or three hours out of the money instead of 24.

Have a good weekend and a happy Easter.


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