Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Gears of War 3 trailer is wonderful. It's everything Gears should be and that's exactly what I was hoping for. The only problem is that the game isn't going to come out until April of next year. Hopefully this keeps them from delaying the game. They could easily have announced it for fall and then if they didn't get done in time, pushed it back, but that would have upset everyone. Maybe this way, they're definitely giving themselves enough time to get it done before release. Microsoft also probably wanted them to avoid the holidays this year so that they could push Project Natal for all it's worth. So I understand why it's going to be April of next year before we get our hands on this game, but that doesn't make the waiting any easier.

Glee started back this week. It's probably not as good a show as I like to imagine it is, but for some reason I can't tear myself away. That's probably the definition of a show that's a "guilty pleasure".

No major plans for the weekend. Auburn's A-Day game is Saturday and they're showing it on ESPN-U, so we have plans to watch that with Bryan and Adrienne but outside of that, there's not much else. There's some things that need doing around the house, so I'll probably find myself doing those. I also have to decide when I'm going to cut the grass again.

At any rate, have a good weekend and I'll see you back here on Tuesday.


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