Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I'm having a hard time coming up with a title this morning.

I've failed to mention it so far, but I'll do so now.  DeAnne got called to sub for the first time last week.  She got called to Pleasant Home on Tuesday and Red Level on Wednesday.  She said that it went well and that she enjoyed being back in a classroom, she just wished it was her classroom.  Nobody's called since, but hopefully as the year goes on they'll start calling a little more often.  If she could work 2 or 3 days a week, I think we'd be in good shape.

If you'll bear with me on a little nerd tangent:  Google released a new web browser yesterday.  It's called Chrome and it's not too shabby.  It's still in beta, so there are some things that aren't quite there yet, but it's a very good start.  I'm using it right now, in fact.  The window is very minimilist so that more of the web page can be displayed.  It's also very fast.  It seems to run faster than either Firefox or Internet Explorer.  

It also has some other cool features.  You can make any webpage a desktop icon from the Chrome menu.  When you use the icon, it comes up, but without the address bar and back and forward buttons.  This makes the web page look more like a traditional desktop application.  It's great for web-based email programs like gmail or yahoo mail.  There are a couple of more features that I really like, but they all lean to the geekier side of life, so I won't bore you with those.  I'm going to keep using it for now and see how it goes.  Give it a shot yourself.  Internet Explorer isn't the only way to get to the internet anymore.  It's nice to have alternatives like firefox and now chrome.  It keeps Microsoft on their toes.

Have a good Wednesday.


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