Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This Is Getting Hard

I still don't really have anything to talk about.

The Wii is glowing this morning. That usually means that Nintendo has sent out a message or system update. I looked around the internet this morning though and I can't find any news about it so I'm not sure what it is. When the Wii first came out Nintendo went through a series of pretty good updates where they introduced new channels like the "Everyone Votes" channel and the Mii sharing channel. The last few have mainly just been about breaking the hacks that people have come up with for the Wii.

Speaking of system updates, I signed up for the beta for the next Xbox 360 system update. According to the guy who does Xbox community relations, they should start sending out acceptance emails on Friday. Basically what it means is that they'll mark my Xbox as able to download the new system software before it's made widely available so that they can get a better testing pool to make sure everything works okay. It's a risk in that they may break the box (at least temporarily) but you get to try out all the cool new features before the mass majority. They've done this in the past but this is the first time I've signed up to participate. This update is the one that will bring Facebook, Twitter and integration along with some other new features. It's lame, I know, but I'm looking forward to sending my first tweet from my Xbox.

Well, I managed to come up with a couple of decent paragraphs after all. Go figure. Have a good Wednesday.


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