Tuesday, June 24, 2008

That Was Close

Today I was planning on talking about how disappointed we were that Butch Walker had to postpone his tour and how until he announced the new dates we wouldn't know if we would still be able to go or not. That, however, is now not a problem. A message was posted on his myspace page last night that he would still be playing a festival date and the two Atlanta shows.

When the message went up Saturday that he was going to have to postpone the tour, we were really disappointed. We got the tickets in the mail during the week last week and we were all pumped up for it and then it was just kind of taken away. But now it back! And we're more excited than ever. Or at least, I'm more excited than ever.

We still haven't beat GTA: IV yet. We both gave it a shot last night and the missions are similar up to a point, but then they diverge at a point and they're different since we took different paths to get there. Even after finishing the main storyline, there's still a lot I want to do but I have other games that are calling my name. We'll just have to wait and see.


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