Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let's See...

Not terribly sure what to talk about today. Wait, here's something.

Bryan and Adrienne called yesterday evening and invited us over to watch the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie that was just released. It seems like for the past month or so either we've been busy or they've been busy and we just haven't been able to get together and do anything so it was nice to be able to spend some time with them.

As to the movie, there's been a lot of reviews that haven't been happy with the movie but I thought it was pretty good myself. Maybe I'm not as hard-core of a fan as the fans that weren't happy with it, but I enjoyed it. The movie sets up the show that's been airing on Cartoon Network. We've been watching the show and we like it (I think I've mentioned it here before) and it was nice to see how they set up the show with the movie.

Speaking of TV, we're now less that 2 weeks away from "24: Redemption", the two hour "movie" that sets up the next season that starts in January. I'm pretty excited about 24 this year. They didn't have it at all last year because of the writers strike, so it's been nearly two years without 24. Hopefully with that much time, they've come up with a great story and it'll be a good season.

Well, I came up with a few things to talk about after all. We're halfway there. Have a good Wednesday.


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