Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bah, Titles!

I couldn't manage a decent title for today's post.

As I'm sure everyone knows by now, Patrick Swayze passed away last night. 2009 continues to claim celebrities and shows no signs of letting up. I wasn't a huge Dirty Dancing fan. What guy is? But Swayze seemed like a nice enough guy and he was another big name that seems to have died way too young.

I guess the other big news is the whole Kanye West thing at the MTV awards. I don't know why everyone's so surprised. This isn't the first time he's pulled a stunt like this at an awards show and he's always come across as being a rude person whenever I've seen him on TV. This is just the latest example of an overinflated ego going overboard. As to Taylor Swift, as stunned as she seemed, she appeared to handle it all pretty well. Evidently, she really is one of the more well adjusted teen stars around. Good for her. Also, the video she did with T-Pain still owns me.

I've got a rest of the week at work. We have a vendor coming in to do some training on some new software and it's going to me extra hours and mind-numbing meetings. Hopefully it all goes well.

Have a good Tuesday.


And here's that Taylor Swift/T-Pain video one more time:

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