Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Moving Right Along

Well, this is post 450 for the blog. I know I say it every time I hit one of these milestones, but it's still just crazy to me that I've been doing this for that long. I don't know if anyone really even reads these other than my wife and Courtney. At any rate, if you do read, thanks and maybe I'm not too boring or too bad a writer.

I went to throw the cat outside this morning and was pleased to feel that fall seems to have arrived. It was so nice that I had to stand in the door for a minute and enjoy it. I was planning on cutting grass yesterday but I checked the weather before I left work and saw that it was supposed to cool off today so I decided to wait. It may be one of the best decisions I've made in recent history. If it's as nice as they say it's going to be the rest of the week, then we're in for some beautiful weather the next few days.

I was going to talk about FlashForward but never did. We watched it over the weekend and it was pretty awesome. The production feels a lot like Lost and there was even a Lost reference in the background of one scene, but the show should be able to stand on its own. The true test of a show is usually DeAnne and she liked this one, so there you go. FlashForward is DeAnne approved. All you need to know.

Have a good Tuesday.


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