Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I'm going to talk about Harry Potter, but first: This is my 400th post to this blog. Thank you all for reading.

Now, on to more important matters. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince hit theaters last night. I have several friends on facebook who posted about being at midnight showings. All I have to say to those people is: I'm so jealous, it's not even funny. If done right, I really think this could be the best movie out of all of them. Book 6 was one of my favorites, if not the favorite of all the books. They're all great, but something about 6 really struck a chord with me. Maybe it's the ending, or maybe it's the fact that after 5 books full of hints and glimpses, we really learn about Harry, Voldemort, and several other main characters and what part they're playing in the grand scheme of things. It also contains one of the most devastatingly sad and moving moments in the series. If nothing else makes sense or follows the book, that will be fine as long as at that moment, every single eye in the theater is wet. Those that have read the books know what I'm talking about.

As for actually seeing the movie, we're probably going to be going either Friday or Saturday. I don't know if either of us can wait until Saturday, so it's more likely that we'll go Friday after we get settle in at the beach. Dinner, a movie and the beach...sounds like a great Friday to me.

Have a good Wednesday.


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