Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I Was In A Bad Way

Warning: May contain some graphic content.

So I caught DeAnne's stomach bug. It first hit me Sunday morning about 5:30. DeAnne was in Ft. Walton with her Mom staying at her Grandmother's for the weekend to do some shopping. So I get up and I've got issues. I get on the couch and fall back to sleep, wake up again about 6:30. I get to feeling like I'm going to throw up so I get in the floor in the bathroom just kind of waiting for it to happen. I break out in a cold sweat, dizzy, the whole nine yards. I just knew it was coming and was just waiting on it. Finally, I gag once, twice and then I'm waking up. I was having a dream of some kind. My shoulder's hurting and the pillow seems kind of hard. It was when I tried to roll over that I realized I was in the bathroom floor between the tub and the toilet. I had passed out.

So I called DeAnne and asked her Mom (who's a nurse) if I should go to the hospital and she said I needed to. So I called Dad and he came and got me and took me to the E.R. They gave me fluids and some phenigran and by the time they were ready to shove me out the door, DeAnne had made it back to town.

It was a crazy morning. I slept most of the rest of the day and never threw up but I was dehydrated and ran a little bit of a fever late Sunday afternoon. I stayed home from work yesterday and relaxed and took it easy. I still had a little bit of an upset stomach yesterday morning, but I think I'm good now. The only solid food I've had the last couple of days is the saltine crackers I've ate with my soup so I'm a little hungry this morning but I'm going to give it a little more time before I venture into the solid food category.

So the weekend could have ended a little better. It was definitely interesting though. It's the first time I've ever passed out. They diagnosed it as a "Vasovagal Episode". You can check the link for the Wikipedia entry. It's supposed to be more common in people with heart and blood pressure issues. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

Have a good Tuesday.


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