Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One Last Christmas Thin

First, in case you're wondering, I'm feeling a little better this morning. I still don't have much of a voice but my throat doesn't hurt and my sinuses are less clogged, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

So with everyone having crazy schedules for the holidays, our Sunday School class had a hard time putting together a Christmas party before Christmas. We ended up having it last night. We met up at David's Catfish and had dinner and then went back to Ben and Mendy's house for cake and "dirty Santa". I ended up with a $10 Wal-Mart gift card and DeAnne got some kind of linen spray something. We also played the customary round of "Catchphrash" and had just an all around good time.

DeAnne spent the day yesterday cleaning up the house and putting some things away. She also took some time to put up pictures from our various family Christmas gatherings. Check the last four posts or so on her blog to see all of the good times.

Have a good Wednesday.


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