Monday, March 15, 2010

Bach'in It

DeAnne and her Mom have finally decided on a date for their return to Alabama. The good news is that the ticket was cheaper than the one to get her out there. The bad news is that it was cheap because she's not coming home until the 30th. When she touches down in Montgomery, it will have been exactly three weeks since she left. I don't know how I'm ever going to make it.

I did have a pretty good weekend. Dad invited me to dinner both Friday and Saturday nights, so I had some company and good food. Outside of that, I watched a couple of movies on T.V. (Spike was running Star Wars I through III all weekend), played some guitar and played some video games. Church kept me busy yesterday, so overall, I was able to keep myself occupied. I just don't know if I can maintain it for two more weeks.

So that's about it. Today starts the final week of full blogs. I think the new schedule next week is going to be elliptical on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with blogs on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm going to drop Saturday since I was having such a hard time remembering it anyway.

Have a good Monday.


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