Friday, March 14, 2008

It's Friday - What Else Could You Ask For?

Friday has come at last. I say that like it's been a bad week, but really, I think this week has been better than last. I'm finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel on a project at work that's been dragging on for over a year now.

It seems like we keep running into one problem after another. It also seems like every time I turn around we're adding some new aspect to the project that means taking more time to research the solution, find good software, try the software out, get it configured right, and on and on and on. I think the full scope of this project has changed 5 or 6 times. We'll get close to being done and then someone will say "Well, what about this. Could we do this too?" and it just tacks another 2 months onto the project. I think we've about got everything covered though and I think we'll actually be in production by the end of the month.

As I told you earlier in the week, we've got the family reunion thing going on this weekend. I really need to cut the weeds down in the yard and get some other yard work done, but I'm dragging my feet. I know once the lawnmower comes out, it won't get put up again until October and I'm just not ready for that yet. I'm glad that the weather's finally getting a little warmer (global warming, my tail. It's been a cold winter if you ask me), but man I despise doing yard work.

Lost was awesome last night. I really feel like the show is moving towards the end now instead of just trying to put more mysteries out there for us to wonder about. I'm really looking forward to the next two seasons.

That's it for today. Hope you all have a great Friday.


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