Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Over 2 months now without a post. I've been distracted by many things, well, mostly Rock Band. I apologize to those of you who are still out there. A better effort on my part is coming your way, I promise.

Not much has been going on, really. We've just been going along at the usual pace. We both had our annual checkups with our specialist and everything is looking good for both DeAnne and I. There's some concern about my thyroid possibly being overactive, so we're going in April to have that seen about. The number is borderline and I don't have any symptoms, so it's probably nothing, but they want to be sure.

Other than that, we've just been rockin' the house with Rock Band. I've also started playing one of the free games that came with the xbox. If you look on the right side of this page, you'll see my xbox profile. I have to admit, I've become slightly addicted to the achievement system and getting gamer points. It's like crack. After the first time that little message comes up you can't wait to see it again. Achievements were a stroke of genius on Microsoft's part.

Lost is back on and better than ever. Unfortunately, 24 suffered at the hands of the writer's strike and now we have to wait until January of 2009 for it to come back. I wasn't sure I could make it past February without it, but now that it's March, I think I'll be okay. Maybe. I'll let you know in a few months how I'm doing.

Music-wise, I have to say, 2008 has been a disappointment so far. I can't think of new album that has been a "gotta-have-it". Butch Walker has a live album out, but that's about it. At least the newest Foo Fighters and Smashing Pumpkins albums are there to get us through.

I'm going to have to stop there. It's time to go get ready for work. Once again, I apologize for the drought and promise that I'll do my best to not let it happen again.


1 comment:

stephcl said...

yay for long overdue blogs!

i am still here and am still a fan.