Monday, March 31, 2008

Trying Something Out

You might notice the new section on the right called "Paul's Shared Items". I'm pretty heavily entrenched in the Google application ecosystem. Part of that is Google Reader, Google's RSS feed reader. RSS is a method for websites to publish headlines to a "feed". You use a reader to subscribe to the feed and then when the website is updated, the feed is updated and the reader shows you the update, thus you know the latest headlines from the site without actually having to visit the site. You subscribe to as many feeds as you like and then the reader presents all the headlines in one place for you to read.

Google Reader allows you to "share" items that you think your friends might be interested in. Since Google also owns Blogger, they created a widget that publishes your shared items to your Blogger site. So now when I see a headline come across that I think might interest you or show you more about what interests me, I can share it and it'll show up automatically in the section on the right. I figure I'll give it a try and see how things go for a few days. Let me know what you think.


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