Monday, March 10, 2008

What Time Is It?

I really can't stand the DST change. I don't dislike the concept or the results so much, but the actual change and the week or two following it drives me crazy. I was on call for this one which meant that I had to go in at about 1:30 Saturday night (Sunday morning) and do a few things to help everything along. It's pretty harsh to watch the clock go from 1:59 to 3:00.

The MRI went well. I won't know the results for another week. It was an experience I hope I don't have to repeat too many times in my life. It was an "Open" MRI, but that just meant that my legs were sticking out of the machine and the sides were open so that I could wave my arms out if I had wanted to mess the test up. The top of the machine was still only an inch or two above my face. It was a little freaky, but I just closed my eyes and tried to relax. All totaled, it took about 20 minutes inside the machine to do the whole test.

DeAnne's sister, Sara, is in town for the week from Utah. She came back to Andalusia with us last night, went to church, out to eat and then spent the night. We had a good time and DeAnne was glad to get her out of Kinston for a day or so. The big annual "Snell Family Reunion" (DeAnne's mother's family) is this coming weekend. It's always a good time. There are some real characters in DeAnne's family and it's always interesting when they all get together.

That's all I've got for this morning. After a strong week last week, I hope to keep the streak alive this week. We're off to a good start at least.


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