Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What To Say

Titles are really becoming hard to come by.

Last night's Heroes was by far the best episode this season. The first couple of episodes were okay, but I was hoping that they would get better once they got a little further into the season. Last night was episode four and it was awesome. Hopefully they keep up the good work.

There's another Presidential debate tonight. I didn't get a chance to talk about last weeks VP debate because of the internet trouble and being gone on Friday, but suffice it to say, my position still stands. I thought Palin did a pretty good job and held her own. She made some good hits and she took a couple, but it wasn't a K.O. for either side. The biggest thing that caught my attention was Biden's comment about letting the courts meddle with mortgages if someone files for bankruptcy. In case you missed it, he said that he and Obama would advocate for the backruptcy courts not only being able to adjust the interest rate you pay on your mortgage, but they would also be able to adjust the principle amount you owe so that you could afford to keep your home. I'm not a fan of either measure, but at least when you mess with the interest rate, your just affecting the amount of profit the banks make off the loan. When you start monkeying with the principle though, you've gone off the deep end. You've destroyed the value of every piece of property in the country. It's one of the scariest things I've heard the Obama/Biden camp say. In a free market you just can't do something like mess with the principle on a mortgage. It undermines the entire market and all your left with is the government setting the price on property and telling people what to pay for stuff. Oh wait, that's communism. Now that's a scary though.

Anyway, end political rant. Have a good Tuesday.


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