Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another Day Off Would Be Nice

The long weekend was great. The only bad part about it is that it's over. Well, there was the rain, but still, I'd rather have another rainy day than have to go back to work. Can I retire yet?

Friday we didn't do anything. Period. I think we went to bed around 9:30.

Saturday was a pretty busy day. The church had a video projection system installed along with getting a new sound board and closing off the sound room. The contractor met with Bryan and I Saturday afternoon and we worked on getting all the kinks worked out along with cleaning up the room and getting everything set on the new board. We were there most of the day but it paid off as Sunday went off without a hitch.

Saturday night we went and watched Star Trek. All in all, I would say the movie was well above my expectations. Even DeAnne liked it, so it must have been pretty decent.

Sunday was church. Pleasant Home also had baccalaureate services Sunday afternoon and I had agreed to do the sound for that, so I was at the church most of the day Sunday. Sunday night we hung out at Garrett and Amy's. We got a Subway platter and ate and talked. Before it was over, it was around midnight.

Yesterday we hung out with Bryan and Adrienne, watching movies and watching it rain. We had dinner at Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Tammy's and played a game. It was a great, just ordinary, lazy day off and it was absolutely wonderful.

So that was the long weekend. Not bad. It would have been nice for it to have stopped raining long enough for us to go swimming or something, but we managed to have a good time despite the weather. I guess now it's back to the grind. Have a good Tuesday.


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