Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Still Have No Idea

I still don't have a clue as to what I had planned to talk about yesterday. I guess it's gone forever. Oh well...

I've almost finished "The Host". It's gotten better since the last time I wrote about it, but I feel like I'm still missing the point. Something I've now noticed about Stephenie Meyer: She can write emotion like it's no one's business. There's no doubt that she can write something poignant and moving and make it look easy while she's doing it. Plotting and flow: not so much. She seems to get hung up in the middle of all her books, going into great detail and part of that is what makes her writing good. But it makes her endings suffer I think. If you think about it, the endings of all her books feel rushed. I may just be over-thinking it, but I feel like I've read through 550 pages of "The Host" and still can't see where it's all going in the end. Anyway, I'll revisit it when I'm finished and see if it was worth the effort or not.

Courtney's coming to stay with us tonight. Her nephew's graduation is tonight, so all of her family is in town and she needs a place to crash, so we're looking forward to that.

Have a good Thursday.


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