Friday, May 22, 2009

Another Friday Has Come

Long weekend!!! Woo!!! It's too bad the weather isn't going to be nice, but at this point, I could really care less. Three days off is three days off.

Tuesday night after American Idol, Fox showed the pilot for a show that's starting in the fall called "Glee". It's mainly about a high school teacher that heads up the schools glee club and what he does to try and make the club successful. The show was extremely quirky and was really hilarious. We actually probably wouldn't have watched it, but we caught one commercial that was pretty funny and once we realized it was a comedy, we were sold. There was also a lot of singing, but the cast is mostly made up of people from Broadway, so all the songs were pretty good. The version of "Don't Stop Believing" at the end of the episode was just awesome. It's not coming on again until the fall, but when it starts up, you should definitely check it out.

I haven't gotten much farther with "The Host". I haven't had a whole lot of time to read and what I have read, the story is starting to drag a little. Maybe it's just because I haven't been able to make much progress in the book this week, but I can't really see where it's going and I'm beginning to wonder what the point is. Maybe I can get past this part this weekend and get to something better.

I'm all out of time for today. Have a great extended weekend.



Thoughts of Blue said...

i wanted to see glee. i forgot to set the dvr before i left!!! ahhh!!!! what will i do?

Adrienne said...

Wasn't there something extra online that you can read from Harry Potter like a transcript???