Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So I'm lost for a title today. Sorry.

DeAnne and her Mom watched and enjoyed "Bride Wars" last night. DeAnne's Step-Father had a meeting of some kind to go to so her Mom decided to come eat dinner with us and stayed for the movie. I didn't watch it, instead opting to read, but I hear that it was pretty funny.

Speaking of reading, after the Twilight series, I decided to go ahead and read Stephanie Meyer's one other book she's wrote, "The Host". It's pretty good but it's a little different for anything I've read before. I generally haven't read much science fiction even though I enjoy sci-fi movies and tv shows and "The Host" is firmly planted in the sci-fi genre. It still has all the trappings of Meyer's vampire books: the love story, the two beautiful leads, the lost love, and so one, so it's familiar in that respect. I actually worry a little that it's too similar to Twilight. I'm not quite half-way through, so I'm going to reserve judgement until I finish it, but at this point it's good enough that if you liked Twilight, you shouldn't have a problem with The Host.

That's all I've got. Have a good Wednesday.


1 comment:

Thoughts of Blue said...

i want to read the host! it's on my to do list...