Friday, May 29, 2009

A Slow Weekend Coming

Well, there's just not a lot going on at the moment. As I mentioned earlier in the week, I'm going to have to spend Saturday trying to hack down the yard. It looks like it's going to be nice and hot for me too. Other than that, as I said before, I'm on call, so we won't be going anywhere out of town or anything. June should pick up though.

As I'm sure most of you are aware, June starts the hurricane season. It looks like it's kicked in a little early though. "Tropical Depression One" formed yesterday. It's just heading out to sea, but hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come this summer.

I still haven't managed to finish playing Prince of Persia. It's on the list for this weekend. I really want to get it wrapped up so that I can get it back to Don. I hate having other people's stuff for too long. It makes me feel like I'm taking advantage.

I didn't finish "The Host" yesterday like I thought I might. I'm really close now though. I should probably be able to finish it tonight.

And that's all I've really got for today. Have a good Friday and a good weekend. At least the sun is going to be out.


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