Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm Either Going Crazy...

...Or I've entered the Twilight Zone or something. I seem to have lost any and all handle on time that I ever had. Let me explain.

For one, my class reunion is not this weekend, it's the next (the 31st). I don't know why or how I got it in my head that it's this coming weekend, but up until yesterday morning when I was looking at my calendar at work, I had been operating and planning based on the reunion being this weekend. I've probably been going on about it being this weekend for 4 or 5 days now. Just to say it again (for my sake), it's not this weekend, it's the next.

So after figuring that out yesterday, we rearranged a few things and got back on track. Went to bed, everything's fine. Cut to this morning. I'm in bed, I wake up, I look at the clock and believe it to say 10 to 6:00. I'm thinking to myself, "Oh, it's almost time for the alarm to go off, you might as well just go on and get up." So I get up and start taking a shower and everything's going fine until I hear the bathroom door open. DeAnne then asks me what I'm doing up. So I told her I woke up just before the alarm and decided to go ahead and get up. She proceeds to tell me that it's only 5:00. Evidently, I only looked at the minute hand and failed to notice the hour hand was much closer to 5:00 than it was 6:00. I don't know if that's just the inherent danger in using an analog clock or what, but I was (am) up at 5:00 and not 6:00. So I guess I'm going to go on into to work early and go ahead and make up some of the time I'll be using when the reunion does roll around and I go to the Homecoming program at the school that Friday morning.

Have a good Tuesday.


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