Monday, January 12, 2009

A Number Of Things

It's strange how sometimes I struggle to find something to write about and then at other times I have so much that I want to mention that I feel like it's too much. This is one of those times where it feels like too much, so I may break it into multiple posts. We'll see how it goes.

First, DeAnne made it back from Atlanta late Saturday night. She was pretty tired, had a couple of blisters, but she seemed to have enjoyed herself for the most part. I don't know that she'll be going twice a year like her Mom is talking about doing, but I could see her going once a year.

I tried my best to keep myself occupied while she was gone. As I talked about on Friday, I tracked the CES news pretty heavily and I watched a little of the BCS title game, but that just got me through Thursday. On Friday night, I started out by eating dinner with Dad and Sherry, then I headed home. I had changed up the Netflix list in anticipation of DeAnne being gone and had gotten "Wanted" and "Eagle Eye" in on the same day. I started watching "Wanted" and about half-way through, Bryan called me and wanted to know if I wanted to come over and watch the "24" movie from back in November. So I stopped "Wanted", headed over to Bryan's, watched "24" then headed back home and finished "Wanted".

The "24" movie was great and after watching last night's first 2 hours, it really did serve for a nice lead-in to the new season. Last nights 2 hours were really awesome. Things were moving fast and Jack was back in his old form in no time. If the rest of the season can stay as strong as these first couple of hours, then it'll be a good one.

"Wanted" was incredible. I haven't ever read the graphic novel that it's based on, but I'd really like to now. I've read that there are a number of differences, but the movie was just too awesome. It was pretty violent and bloody, so it's not for the kiddies, but the action was great, the acting was good, the stroy was cool and it was just an overall great action movie.

So that was Friday night. I think I'm going to stop there and hit the rest of the weekend tomorrow. Have a good Monday.


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