Thursday, May 08, 2008

A Title Will Come to Me Later

Let's see...

Jason did indeed say goodbye last night on American Idol. Unless some miracle happens, Syesha better enjoy singing next week, because it should be her last. I don't think the DVR has ever come in more handy than when we're watching the American Idol results show. Out of an hour long program, I think we watch, maybe, 7 minutes. I don't know why Fox insists on making the results show an hour long. I just feel sorry for all the people who sit through the whole show. I don't think I ever will again.

I got to read a little last night. I lack about 2 chapters being done with Prince Caspian. I may have said this already, but it's go me wanting to read the rest of the Narnia books. They're all pretty short, so it shouldn't take long to do.

GTA: IV continues to get better the more I get into it. It just really impressive what they've managed to do. Evidently, I'm not the only one who bought the game either. The company that makes the game announced yesterday that they had sold around 6 million copies of the game which equaled about 500 million dollars in revenue in one week. Development is said to have cost around 100 million, so in the first week of sales they were able to clear 400 million in profit. There must be some very happy people at Take-Two games today. I wonder how many of the devs on are vacation this week.

Have a good Thursday.


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